Workshop Feedback - Wednesday 6th December 2023

    Thank-you to all those that joined for our first partnership workshop on Alternative Provision on Wednesday 6th December 2023.  I was able to share feedback from the diagnostic activity that took place between October and December 2023 and we held three workshops. Workshop 1 was looking at how we want to shape our strategy. Workshop 2 was looking at how we define the offers and communicate this effectively and workshop 3 looked at the tier model of delivery and how Solihull want to define their offer. 

    Actions following this session are below:

    1) Providers to approve the text on their offer and this to be published on the schools pages (end of March 2023)

    2) Consult on the language of the tiers of support and clearly articulate this for Solihull (end of March 2023)

    3) Carry out a skills audit of professionals across education, health and social care to identify strengths and gaps (end of March 2023)

    4) Bring together the commissioned offer and the voluntary sector as a 'directory' (end of June 2023). 

    If you have any comments or suggestions please email