Alternative Provision in Solihull

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The government describe Alternative Provision (AP) as education arranged by local authorities for children who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education. Or education arranged by schools for children on a fixed period exclusion; and children being directed by schools to off-site provision for preventative interventions.

In practice this means it is support around your child(ren) where accessing full time mainstream education has become challenging for a variety of reasons. The support might be in school or through your child attending a different location.

Solihull has been building on its AP offer for some time and there has been additional capacity added to the system over the past few years. Because of this, a review of the Solihull AP offer is required. There are always opportunities for improvements so that as a community, children and young people who are not able to access full time mainstream school still have equal opportunities to access high quality education, employment and training.

Here are some of the Alternative Providers that are utilised in Solihull;

There are also private tutoring companies contracted to work with individual children

The government describe Alternative Provision (AP) as education arranged by local authorities for children who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education. Or education arranged by schools for children on a fixed period exclusion; and children being directed by schools to off-site provision for preventative interventions.

In practice this means it is support around your child(ren) where accessing full time mainstream education has become challenging for a variety of reasons. The support might be in school or through your child attending a different location.

Solihull has been building on its AP offer for some time and there has been additional capacity added to the system over the past few years. Because of this, a review of the Solihull AP offer is required. There are always opportunities for improvements so that as a community, children and young people who are not able to access full time mainstream school still have equal opportunities to access high quality education, employment and training.

Here are some of the Alternative Providers that are utilised in Solihull;

There are also private tutoring companies contracted to work with individual children

Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024, 12:39 PM