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Solihull HAF - Holiday Activities and Food logo

Parent/carer survey

A child's attendance on the HAF programme should have a positive impact on the child and the parent/carer. This survey is to understand your child/rens' experience whilst attending the Holiday Activity and Food programme, as well as the impact their attendance had on you. By taking part in this survey you will have the chance to win a £50 supermarket voucher.

The survey should take no more than approximately 5 minutes to complete.


Has your child attended a HAF holiday club?

* required

Are you entitled to benefit related Free School Meals?

* required

Does your child have SEND additional needs? 

Select option

Select option

Select option


Would you like to receive news and updates about HAF holiday clubs in the future?

* required

Would you like to be entered into a draw to win a supermarket voucher?

* required